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What do we visit? and others  the classic doubts

380 kms of Coastal Desert + Interior Desert;  Diversity  Species + Totoral Town & Points  Nearby (and  the most special Flower Garra de Leon)  + Various points in the Extensive Plains of Pajaritos ("Patas de Guanaco" on Route 5)


Species Catalog
Download the PDF!

Tour Includes:

  • Lunch at Ruta Picada highway

  • Guia´s Registered in SERNATUR c / courses in first aid.

  • Telephony  Satellite for emergencies.

  • Technical books and papers and other digital documents related to the Flowering Desert .   

  • Species for Sale Catalog.

  • Present  Surprise. 

WhatsApp Image 2022-08-09 at 11.27.03 AM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2022-08-09 at 11.27.04 AM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2022-08-09 at 11.30.44 AM.jpeg


It is important to know that the flowery desert is a phenomenon  dynamic, so no agency can guarantee the duration of the phenomenon. According  our experience, this year the maximum  of "flowering"  will occur between August 20 and 20  of September. Understanding that the behavior of the climate is within the ranges  "normal". Since September 20 the phenomenon  it will decay to be reduced to  small areas, being difficult  find the classic "spots"  colors like those seen in the images  of this page. This prediction  you can vary the next  weeks,  which we will be notifying.  

Are you traveling by car?

If you are planning to travel to see the flowery desert and you want  know where they are  the best places to see the flowers, call us  and you can follow us in Caravan on some dates, especially on weekends, in exchange for the equivalent of  a passenger  and accepting   commitment to follow our standards of behavior in nature.  Our advice and / or  commitments that we must report are:  


  • There is only fuel supply in the cities of: Vallenar, Copiapó, Huasco and Caldera. In the intermediate sections, there is no supply.  

  • There is no coverage  constant cell phone in most  of the sites. where the flowery desert occurs.  

  • There are no Garbage dispensers on the routes, therefore DO NOT LEAVE YOUR GARBAGE BAGS on the route, no one will  pick up. Keep in  Note that this year, the municipalities in the area will carry out audits and if you are caught throwing garbage, you can be fined at UTM and be summoned to court.

  • If you are going to use natural spaces such as Bathroom, please bury or take away  your toilet paper  used. 

  • Do not leave anything including cigarette butts. It is not an exaggeration, but when you find 200 butts at your feet, you will notice. 

  • Do not take  the flowers, do not take the seeds, they will not be  tools  in your house. It is a huge damage to cut them, you will be trying  straight to the future blooming deserts.  

  • If you travel with pets, please  keep them   on a leash, don't release them to run among the plants

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